Elevated Gaming Network

Admin Topic - CTs in Armory
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Author:  Monteme [ Thu Jan 05, 2017 8:05 pm ]
Post subject:  Admin Topic - CTs in Armory

A topic for consideration. Can you consider forcing counter terrorists to have SEEN a Terrorist go into armory before going there. It's become the lamest thing for someone to hang out there and justify by saying they were just passing through. It's just as fun to rebel as it is to give orders but it's a little lame, particularly in razr, when CTs could hang out so close to armory.

Happy shooting all!


Author:  Yiggles Moto [ Thu Jan 05, 2017 8:10 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Admin Topic - CTs in Armory

CTs should not be camping armory at all. Unless a CT hears/sees a T going into armory then they should not be there.

The only exception is when something like the last T/rebeller is hiding and needs to be looked for.

Author:  woissa [ Thu Jan 05, 2017 8:15 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Admin Topic - CTs in Armory

Going into armoury and picking up a gun isn't a rebelling act, per se.

However, they may be rebelling by detouring or delaying from the orders given by the warden, at which point they are rebelling.

If the CTs notice a missing T and he is not completing the given orders, the CTs have full right to search high and low for the rebel, as they would in a regular prison (this is a roleplaying game after all).
The CTs do not need to have actually seen the rebel go into the armoury to check there, but if they enter the armoury and discover it to be empty, they may not hang around and must leave as soon as possible, as per the rule not to armoury camp.

If the rebel is in the armoury, the CT must leave as soon as the rebel is killed, and may not hang around afterwards just in case another terrorist happens to go into the armoury.

CTs must leave the armoury before 5.30, and generally shouldn't re-enter the armoury without valid reason (eg. searching for a rebel etc). They cannot just hang around the armoury without purpose.

Hope this helped clear up the rules a little.

Author:  Roaxes [ Thu Jan 05, 2017 9:03 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Admin Topic - CTs in Armory

woissa wrote:
Going into armoury and picking up a gun isn't a rebelling act, per se.

woissa wrote:
(this is a roleplaying game after all).

If a criminal is in the guards arsenal, I think they have every right to shoot the prisoner before they can get a hold of the weapons.

While roleplaying doesn't extend to many things such as a T having a pistol in his holster, I think letting a Terrorist survive after sneaking into armory is a tad bit too much.

Author:  woissa [ Thu Jan 05, 2017 9:39 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Admin Topic - CTs in Armory

Roaxes wrote:
woissa wrote:
Going into armoury and picking up a gun isn't a rebelling act, per se.

woissa wrote:
(this is a roleplaying game after all).

If a criminal is in the guards arsenal, I think they have every right to shoot the prisoner before they can get a hold of the weapons.

While roleplaying doesn't extend to many things such as a T having a pistol in his holster, I think letting a Terrorist survive after sneaking into armory is a tad bit too much.

I meant start of the round before any orders are given. A T might run into the armoury and pick up weapons but holster them just because no orders were given. I agree entirely with you, but it would be a freekill in the case I mentioned. Otherwise they would be detouring/delaying and such would be a rebel.

Author:  Mr. Simplistic [ Thu Jan 05, 2017 11:29 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Admin Topic - CTs in Armory

Roaxes wrote:
woissa wrote:
Going into armoury and picking up a gun isn't a rebelling act, per se.

woissa wrote:
(this is a roleplaying game after all).

If a criminal is in the guards arsenal, I think they have every right to shoot the prisoner before they can get a hold of the weapons.

While roleplaying doesn't extend to many things such as a T having a pistol in his holster, I think letting a Terrorist survive after sneaking into armory is a tad bit too much.

I think its fine and its just a part if the game, if a t does that its the wardens fault anyway. This is hardly a role playing game and is more focused on the gameplay and mechanics

Author:  Geeza [ Fri Jan 06, 2017 12:11 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Admin Topic - CTs in Armory

woissa wrote:
Roaxes wrote:
woissa wrote:
Going into armoury and picking up a gun isn't a rebelling act, per se.

woissa wrote:
(this is a roleplaying game after all).

If a criminal is in the guards arsenal, I think they have every right to shoot the prisoner before they can get a hold of the weapons.

While roleplaying doesn't extend to many things such as a T having a pistol in his holster, I think letting a Terrorist survive after sneaking into armory is a tad bit too much.

I meant start of the round before any orders are given. A T might run into the armoury and pick up weapons but holster them just because no orders were given. I agree entirely with you, but it would be a freekill in the case I mentioned. Otherwise they would be detouring/delaying and such would be a rebel.

You've gone slight out of topic here.

Monteme wrote:
A topic for consideration. Can you consider forcing counter terrorists to have SEEN a Terrorist go into armory before going there. It's become the lamest thing for someone to hang out there and justify by saying they were just passing through. It's just as fun to rebel as it is to give orders but it's a little lame, particularly in razr, when CTs could hang out so close to armory.

Happy shooting all!


Basically here he's saying or asking if a CT can be so close to armory, which is like being really close to the pool secret cell, in which CTs aren't supposed to be near it for a long time or blocking the doorway, this is basically like being so close to armory.

I don't exactly see it as a offence because of different ways of going to armory, but I may be wrong, but as yiggles said:
Yiggles Moto wrote:
CTs should not be camping armory at all. Unless a CT hears/sees a T going into armory then they should not be there.

The only exception is when something like the last T/rebeller is hiding and needs to be looked for.

They should be with the T's unless of course, looking for the missing terrorist if any because of a terrorist with a pistol in his holster and pulls it out and kills the warden, it can lean to an advantage as all the rebeller needs to do is go beside the cage or vending machines, in which is going out of line of sight for the CT next to armory.


Author:  woissa [ Fri Jan 06, 2017 12:28 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Admin Topic - CTs in Armory

I just tried to explain the current rules to him so that he understood the way it works on EgN JB, I didn't expect people to come in and pick holes at it when I was just trying to help and do my bit.

In future I'll leave it to the know it alls who obviously know better than I do.

Author:  Ash [ Fri Jan 06, 2017 12:31 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Admin Topic - CTs in Armory

woissa wrote:
I just tried to explain the current rules to him so that he understood the way it works on EgN JB, I didn't expect people to come in and pick holes at it when I was just trying to help and do my bit.

In future I'll leave it to the know it alls who obviously know better than I do.

Don't, because you weren't wrong at all.
Stating the rules as they currently are is great thing woissa.
Also for Geeza. It's not off topic to elaborate current rules e.g.
It also elaborated why the CT's could have been in the armory.

Author:  unclepeepee [ Fri Jan 06, 2017 4:58 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Admin Topic - CTs in Armory

this isnt exactly on topic but its something i noticed on the server just now and i kind of want a consensus from all the admins and i dont think this is worth an additional thread
is it "failing to do the role of ct" if youre firing shots whenever? its something i have never been called out on my entire time playing on the server but i do it constantly when nothing is going on and ts arent rebelling since the maps have nearly infinite ammo on most weapons for whatever reason
i would understand if ammo and guns were limited but they are very much not
the other argument ive heard is that its distracting but if you arent shooting allies in the head and messing up the aim(i have been slain for this and i never complained about it since it is annoying and i accept any reasonable consequences of it) is it honestly so distracting that you cant function? how thinskinned do you have to be to have your brain messed up even for a second because a fellow ct is shooting? its fucker counterstrike guns fire all the time and one of the first things anybody learns in jb is recognizing hostile fire i have never been distracted by somebody just firing randomly especially if the ts are all present and under control
i dont know it just seems like excessive administration to me im a pretty good ct even when im fucking around because ive been playing jb since 2009 and i know when to dick around and when to headshot a rebelling t and i am extremely good at switching it up
i guess in summation i would say it shouldnt be an issue unless you are friendly firing to mess up somebodys aim but otherwise fuck off lol get over yourself and dont slay people for just firing their gun but thats just my opinion
if this causes some kind of bigger discussion then i guess you can split this post and make a new thread

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