Elevated Gaming Network

Higher-Up's Activity
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Author:  Ambitny [ Tue May 17, 2016 2:22 pm ]
Post subject:  Higher-Up's Activity

I haven't seen a higher up online in teamspeak in like a week.

Many members agree with me that our leaders aren't active enough.

Where are you guys?

Could we get an adviser that lives in the US and has time to be active?
- I'm not hating on Bourne for living in South Africa, but his time difference makes it difficult to coordinate anything with him.
- Jimmah lives in the US, but he is literally a petroleum engineer with a full time job. I don't think EgN is more important than his work, but having a career leaves little time to administer an online community.

Could we get more staff members who actually care about improving the clan?
- I'm sorry Sinister but I have to put you on blast; you have literally said that you don't care about many of the problems that are brought to your attention. And while I agree that there is alot of unnecessary drama and most of it is bullshit, but if you don't want to take care of it then you shouldn't have accepted the staff promotion.

EgN is much larger now than when I joined last September, we need more staff members and advisers. I believe that old members who left due to the Doldol drama should be given their old ranks back. Make Wartheft an adviser again and bump Wolfie up to staff.
Having an active American adviser like Wartheft will most definitely improve the clan. Wolfie is very much active and can help our EU members who need staff but can't find one because our two staff members at the moment are both American.

Ultimately I understand that promotions are not my decision, but we have a growing member count and we need more higher-ups to maintain the community.

Author:  Phillip [ Tue May 17, 2016 2:29 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Higher-Up's Activity

I'm still here


Bourne is here all the time during US time but he does hide in his teamspeak channel. But always there on steam chat but can seem unresponsive when playing CSGO games. All of them are cause when they all group up and play CSGO they don't talk to no one, Cause of Competitive rules.

I think everyone who left when doldol was running things shouldn't get their position back. Because you made the choice to leave and you made the choice to toss up all that hard work you did. <3

With Yiggles on vacation the ban reports will run muck cause sinster doesn't normally run through ban reports like yiggles


Author:  Caboose [ Tue May 17, 2016 2:49 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Higher-Up's Activity

ay bowss gibe a de staff pls

Author:  Ambitny [ Tue May 17, 2016 2:52 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Higher-Up's Activity

Phillip wrote:
Bourne is here all the time during US time but he does hide in his teamspeak channel. But always there on steam chat but can seem unresponsive when playing CSGO games. All of them are cause when they all group up and play CSGO they don't talk to no one, Cause of Competitive rules.

Yes but is hiding in your channel really a smart thing to do? Why make yourself inaccessible like that? It comes off as him not wanting us to bother him, and we can't even see that hes in his channel because of the way it was set up.

Phillip wrote:
I think everyone who left when doldol was running things shouldn't get their position back. Because you made the choice to leave and you made the choice to toss up all that hard work you did. <3

While they did make the choice to leave, they weren't really given great options either. They were demoted due to personal drama, not even because of their merit. We no longer have that source of drama, therefore there should be no problems when they return to their original ranks.

Author:  Roaxes [ Tue May 17, 2016 2:56 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Higher-Up's Activity

Caboose for staff, 3rd times a charm! :D

Author:  Lex [ Tue May 17, 2016 2:57 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Higher-Up's Activity


I'm waiting for Mootinie or Wartheft to reply on this.

Author:  Phillip [ Tue May 17, 2016 3:07 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Higher-Up's Activity

Ambitny wrote:
Phillip wrote:
Bourne is here all the time during US time but he does hide in his teamspeak channel. But always there on steam chat but can seem unresponsive when playing CSGO games. All of them are cause when they all group up and play CSGO they don't talk to no one, Cause of Competitive rules.

Yes but is hiding in your channel really a smart thing to do? Why make yourself inaccessible like that? It comes off as him not wanting us to bother him, and we can't even see that hes in his channel because of the way it was set up.

Phillip wrote:
I think everyone who left when doldol was running things shouldn't get their position back. Because you made the choice to leave and you made the choice to toss up all that hard work you did. <3

While they did make the choice to leave, they weren't really given great options either. They were demoted due to personal drama, not even because of their merit. We no longer have that source of drama, therefore there should be no problems when they return to their original ranks.

First of all EgN is full of drama there's always something going on. Most of it's behind closed doors cause you feel shitty when you report someone or get reported. SALT

Do you ever take the chance to just talk to bourne?

Do you think hes avoiding us or are we avoiding him?

I'm sure bourne wants to join in with us but he's probably trying to keep a higher up and member relationship low. Cause it would hurt if your bestfriend is yelling at you or having to be the one doing the yelling.




Author:  Ambitny [ Tue May 17, 2016 3:07 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Higher-Up's Activity

I can't talk to Bourne in TS because I literally can not join his channel due to the way he set up his permissions.

Author:  Phillip [ Tue May 17, 2016 3:15 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Higher-Up's Activity

Sinster - He doesn't really speak english because spanish his native language. But he's actually been trying wishing he focused more on ban reports and helping out in the community instead of socializing in his channel on teamspeak.(same with yiggles)

Yiggles - Yiggles is pretty good, But with him on vacay it's kinda bad

Author:  Ambitny [ Tue May 17, 2016 3:20 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Higher-Up's Activity

shut up u army loser trash

u werent even good enough to be infantry so u had to be a cook

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