Elevated Gaming Network

"How does I Ctban?" A Quick Explanation.
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Author:  Caboose [ Sat Jun 07, 2014 5:13 pm ]
Post subject:  "How does I Ctban?" A Quick Explanation.

You type (all commands are silent):
    -in chat: !ctban | /ctban
    -in console: egn_ctban

Just typing that will bring up a menu that is pretty straightforward, it offers unban features as well.
But it also accepts arguments, in the form of: (note that this command can only be used to ban, not to unban)

!ctban <target> <time> [comment]

<target> can be:
    - a userid
    - a Steam ID
    - a (partial)name
    Note that flags are not supported

<time> can be:
    This is fairly complicated but powerful. Typing a number will result in a ban time of <time> amount of seconds.
    But you have the possibility of typing a character behind the number to indicate a unit. These can also be combined.
    Typing just 0 will result in a perm ban.

Valid characters (case sensitive):
    s - seconds
    m | min - minutes
    h - hours
    d - days
    W | w - weeks
    M | b | mon - months
    Y | y - years

[comment] can be:
    Is optional and is the text "commenting" the ban.

Valid examples:
    !ctban STEAM_0:0:1337 25s45m15M I'm banning this Steam ID for 25 seconds, 45 minutes and 15 months....
    !ctban Doldol 300 I'm banning the player with "Doldol" in their name for 5 minutes
    !ctban [brings up the menu]

Author:  Caboose [ Sun Jun 15, 2014 2:43 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: "How does I Ctban?" A Quick Explanation.


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