Elevated Gaming Network

That one beautiful missing Update...
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Author:  EagleBby [ Thu Dec 07, 2017 5:39 pm ]
Post subject:  That one beautiful missing Update...

So since like the start of the new school year you guys have seen me on teamspeak 24/7 being pretty much afk most of the time because I'm doing other things. Either I was out with family, or playing games or even trying to do the simplest thing called -searching for a job-. Now While I've been trying to find work and all that I've been nailing that World of Warcraft MMORPG y'all hear about because.. I kinda like MMO's and I love that game, despite the fact that it requires a monthly subscription it's a pretty neith game.

Since recently becoming level 110 on WoW I've been grinding for gear and more and so. Trying to satisfy the guild that I joined there and tried to do everything that they would like to see with progress. There's a rule in that guild that everyone who's inactive for longer than a month will be removed from the guild and that would also be a sad thing. So yeah, now recently a new raid came out and I had a requirment of item level 930+ but I wasn't near that so it was a grind for me (reason of inactivity around november/ December so far) and there for I also wanted to apologize.
Now during me farming this stuff I had an interview with somebody who'd help me find a job for me that meets my own requirements, with those being:
-Physically not to hard.
-Night-shift's / Mid day -> evening.
-Desk work/ "Guarding"
Although half of those things are a little hard for me to do I've been setting my own sleeping schedule to what I wanted it to be which right now is a hole mess again. Only because of the simple fact that this interview was in the morning but that when I go to bed :P

I don't know how many people have made it this far in the post but hey, thanks for reading that already ^^
A little more things that go around in my life has been my mother helping my sister move before a certain date and they barely made it. My sister and brother-in-law both work a full-time job and they weren't always free the moment the other would be, so moving would be a hell when you're all alone. My brother-in-law's parents didn't show any sort of help and instead wanted to have fun with people they barely even talk to. So yeah...

Anyways so far my life is going very strange I must say, everyday there's a different thing I think about but then erase it out of my mind because I shouldn't be thinking about 9645 things at once. (my mind is a crazy tool... #insanity). Sometimes I even think back to when I was a kid, when I was in school.. Think about everything that I could've changed before it even became a thing. But time was how it was and I need to move on, so that's why I need to delete certain things out of mind.
I don't know many of the new people anymore and y'all barely probably know me anymore, but if you know that I never had an issue with you.. Then just note that I most likely don't have an issue with you now either. Unless somebody spread some nasty rumors, which then turned into facts, about you then things might turn out different for you.
I'm that kinda guy who holds certain grudge's for a long period of time.. And if they where personal then I might let you fuck me over again. But if it was a grudge I had cuz you fucked my friends over.. Then I most likely will keep it and never forget what you've done :D Welcome.

Just to make it a little longer I'll have to say the following things. Happy late Thanksgiving for everyone that I didn't see during the past 1 and a half months. Let's see what Christmas will bring us.
If anyone still has more questions (probably not), just hit me up on the forums, steam, or hop in my channel and type it out. Anything works I guess :|

#Rebelmafia ^^

Peace out people, I'll see you in the next update I guess :D

Author:  Link [ Thu Dec 07, 2017 5:46 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: That one beautiful missing Update...

Hope ya get your life on track soon man. Life is crazy and hectic for a reason.

Author:  EagleBby [ Thu Dec 07, 2017 5:58 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: That one beautiful missing Update...

Link wrote:
Hope ya get your life on track soon man. Life is crazy and hectic for a reason.

Going to be a hard thing.. after the interview I had 3 calls of garages checkingn if I already had a job.. and I had to tell them about my condition... And they're like "well then I won't be able to help you, but if I find something.. blabla" kinda fucked up at that point

Author:  Link [ Thu Dec 07, 2017 6:29 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: That one beautiful missing Update...

EagleBby wrote:
Link wrote:
Hope ya get your life on track soon man. Life is crazy and hectic for a reason.

Going to be a hard thing.. after the interview I had 3 calls of garages checkingn if I already had a job.. and I had to tell them about my condition... And they're like "well then I won't be able to help you, but if I find something.. blabla" kinda fucked up at that point

I know its easier said than done man but keep positive.

Author:  SemiAutoNoob [ Thu Dec 07, 2017 6:34 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: That one beautiful missing Update...

I got lost and only read key words.

Author:  BriBee [ Thu Dec 07, 2017 6:51 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: That one beautiful missing Update...

You and WoW I swear :p
We of course miss you but its understandable to get into other games every so often and as long as you dont forget we exist thats all that matters yah know. When it comes to jobs just keep your head up. It'll all work out in the end. I believe in you my little eaglet. Stay positive <3

Author:  Y S0 S3R10US [ Thu Dec 07, 2017 8:46 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: That one beautiful missing Update...

Love you Eagle!

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